Middle and High School student-athletes stand out at the event. The second phase of the NationsCup will take place from March 17 to 19.
Fantastic job, Cougars! From March 3 to 5, School of the Nations hosted the first phase of the Nations Soccer Cup. Our under-fourteen, under-fifteen, and under-eighteen boys’ and girls’ soccer teams competed against eight other schools from the Federal District, stunning the competition with their exceptional skills! Both our girls’ Cougars and Nations teams participated. Check out Nations’ performance.
First Place
· Under-Fifteen Girls: Cougars
· Under-Eighteen Girls: Cougars
· Under-Fifteen Boys
· Under-Eighteen Boys
Second Place
· Under-Fifteen Girls: Nations
· Under-Eighteen Girls: Nations
· Under-Fourteen Boys
Our student-athletes stood out for their incredible performance! Aaron Lopez (Grade 9), Isabela Cunha (Grade 7), and Maria Eduarda Silva (Grade 9) were nominated as Top Scorers in their matches. Goalkeeper of the under-eighteen boys’ team, Pedro Henrique Morsch (Grade 11), also earned a medal for his outstanding performance.
The next phase of the Nations Soccer Cup will take place on March 17 through 19, with our young athletes’ taking their turn! Our under-nine, under-ten, under-eleven, and under-twelve teams and the early childhood teams, Pre-Kinder, Kindergarten, and Grade 1, will compete for their spots on the podium.