Parents and students team up for an Open After School experience
What better way to spend the last After School classes of the semester than with your family?
In December, students in Early Childhood and Elementary shared with their parents what they have been doing and learning in their After School classes. Parents whose children take part in the Program were invited to watch, cheer, and play with students.
Mother of three students, Luciana Moraes says it is an opportunity to spend time with her family in a school environment. “It is so much fun! We leave work early to be here with them and it is the best. I have already played two basketball games and, now, here I am playing soccer. My kids always want my husband and I to come to their games,” she said.
There were so many activities. Students took on parents in basketball, families ran up and down the soccer field scoring unimaginable goals, and proud moms and dads learned ballet routines.
After School coordinator, Ludmilla Freitas says it is a wonderful time for parents to be involved in students’ day-to-day activities; and parents agree.
Flávia Ladeira’s daughters take ballet and volleyball. During the Open After School classes, she can see their improvement, the quality of instruction, and student-teacher dynamics; and she is happy with the results.
“There is strong commitment to these activities. My youngest daughter takes ballet lessons with Ms. Juliana Ramalho, and I see how much my daughter has developed her skills, posture, and overall disposition. It is beyond recreational. It is educational and appeals to students.”
The After School and School Teams Programs focus on developing students physically, emotionally, and morally. They are designed to support the school’s vision, mission, and values and extend learning outside the classroom. This semester five-hundred students enrolled in After School and School Teams Programs.