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Boot Camp Grade 6

Grade 6 students had an awesome first week! To prepare for the transition from Grade 5 to 6, they had a full week of training to help them this first quarter. Teachers planned activities to help students better understand themselves, use the new technologies they will need in Grade 6, and review school policies. They even practiced meditation and had a class of Zumba!

In Grade 6, students begin to use technology in class and need to learn how to use tools such as PowerSchool, Schoology and email.

For the grand finale, students and teachers went camping at Rancho Canabrava. They went horseback riding, watched a medieval knights’ presentation, ziplined, hiked, and had delicious food and a lot of s’mores. They ended their camping trip with a special lunch with their parents and shared their new experiences with them.

They had an incredible time! We wish students a great year.

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