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IsCool App Satisfaction Survey Results

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Over the past month, we have made available to parent representatives and other interested parents the possibility of testing a communications app called IsCool App. We wanted to test this app in a real but controlled environment to determine whether it meets the School’s and the school community’s needs. Below are the results of the satisfaction survey sent to participants after the testing period.

On a scale of 0 to 10, the average rating of participants who would recommend the app to other parents was 7.73. Over 90% of participants (91.89%) said they were satisfied with the app, and 83.79% felt comfortable using the app as the main channel of communication rather than email.

Below is feedback from IsCool in response to some improvement suggested by parents.

  1. Design (screen responsiveness and clear layout): IsCool’s team is aware of some limitations in the current layout and is working to solve them as soon as possible.

  2. Posts with PDF documents and “Read More” button: These limitations will be solved in a future update expected within the next few months.

  3. Link between PowerSchool and IsCool: Unfortunately, this connection is not possible due to the purpose of each app. PowerSchool aims to generate reports and follow up on student’s academic performance and grades, while IsCool aims to facilitate communication between parents and the school.

  4. School Calendar: This new feature will be available in a future update expected within the next few months.

  5. Communication with Teachers: The possibility of communications between parents and teachers, section secretaries, nutritionist, infirmary, library and information technology already exists in the app; however, we will open these channels in phases. Until December 2016, communication will be exclusively between parents and the school.

Given the high level of satisfaction, we would like to communicate that School of the Nations will use the IsCool app to communicate with all parents from Grades 2–12 as of November 7, 2016. Please note that emails will continue to be sent normally until the end of the 2016–2017 school year. For next school year, you will be able to choose your preferred channel of communication.

You will receive invitation emails to set up an account and to download the app on your devices (tablets or smartphones - Mac iOS or Android). You will also be able to access the app online via IsCool’s institutional website. If you already have the app, you do not need to download it again.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our communications department at or 3366-1800.

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