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Alumnus' Input on Climate Change

​School of the Nations has always educated children to be world citizens and engage in world-wide issues and community outreach. Nations' alumnus, Eduarda Zoghbi, took this mission personally for life. She was one of the 24 young adults selected among over 500 subscriptions to participate on the COP21 negotiations. The winner will represent Brazil attending the event, held in Paris, as a reporter, interviewing authorities and sharing her/his experience in the field of climate change.

The video with most views until September 17 on Youtube® will win a trip to COP21, organized by UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and TVE (Television for the Environment - United Kingdom).

Eduarda said that our School has a clear impact on her career choice of fighting for a better world: "I am very thankful for the values I learned growing up at Nations. I've studied there for 8 years and spent all my time involved in projects such as MUN and the National Conference of Environment, organized by the Ministry of Environment of Brazil, where I first debated about the Agenda 21." Eduarda is currently working in the British Embassy, as an intern on the Climate Change area and she's finishing her bachelor on Political Science in University of Brasília.

Eduarda also said that her aim is not self-pride but to promote the Climate Change theme to the Brazilian youth. "People still don't act in sustainable ways and don't do the minimum to promote a real change in the world. Since I was a kid, I tried to think global and act local".

Here's the link to Eduarda's video. Let's support her! Congratulations for the achievement, Eduarda! #proudtobenations

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