Admission Process
5 Steps to Apply
Click here to schedule a visit and meeting with our Admissions Officer. You can also take a virtual tour of our campuses.
The Admissions Form is the first formal document necessary to apply. This confirms your interest in enrolling your child at School of the Nations.
To complete the Admissions Form, you must upload the following items:
1. A copy of your child’s birth certificate
2. A recent 3x4cm photograph of your child
3. Your child's most recent report card (for students in Grades 2 to 11)
Your application will not be complete until all of the above-mentioned items are received.
Before scheduling admission assessments, the following documents must be submitted.
1. Copies of the student's report cards for the past two years
2. Copies of the student's most recent internationally recognized standardized test results, for
example, MAP, and/or samples of Math, English, or Sciences test results
3. Letters of Recommendation from teachers, counselors, or principals.
4. Students with diagnosed learning support or special education needs must upload psycho-
educational reports and most recent Individual Learning/Educational Plans.
Take Admission Assessments
To ensure students meet minimum requisites for grade-level readiness, students must take admission assessments and participate in interviews to evaluate their social, emotional,and academic preparedness for the grade to which they are applying.
Early Childhood Education – Nursery 2 to Grade 1
Parents applying to Early Childhood will be interviewed with their child by the Principal or Counselor.
Interviews are carried out individually to observe the child's academic potential, social skills, and language proficiency.
Families must fill out and submit a complete ?? report (anamnesia).
All Students
All applicants are interviewed by the section's principal or guidance counselor. This interview is in person unless the student resides outside Brasília. Parents may be asked to take part in the interview.
Elementary School – Grades 2 to 5
Entrance exams or interviews for students applying to Grades 2 to 5 involve determining the child's academic potential, social skills, and language proficiency. All students will take:
- Standardized reading and writing
exams in Portuguese (not applicable
to foreign students)
- Standardized written exams in
- Standardized reading and writing
exams in English (mandatory for
all students in Grades 4 and 5)
If necessary, the student may need to take additional exams or provide additional documentation, as described below:
- Take additional MAP exams
- Submit additional reports from
previous schools
- Provide evidence of good
behaviour and positive attitudes
- Provide professional documentation
of special educational needs
Secondary School – Grades 6 to 12
Entrance exams for Grades 6 to 12 include:
- MAP exams in English and
- A written, internally designed
Portuguese exam (not
applicable to foreign
- A written essay in English
- An interview to
assess academic potential,
social skills, and language
If necessary, the student may need to take additional exams or provide additional documentation, as described below:
- Provide evidence of good
behaviour and positive
- Provide professional
documentation of special
educational needs
After notification of your child's acceptance, the last steps are:
• Send any additional documentation requested
• Fill out authorization forms requested
• Read and sign the educational services contract
• Pay the first month's tuition and fees