Between workshops, games, and outdoor activities, members of the School community enjoyed strengthening family ties
For the first time, on August 20, School of the Nations’ community took part in Community Building Day. The event took place at the main campus with the presence of students, their families, and staff. Aimed at strengthening family ties, integrating members of our school community, and having fun, our Community Building Day was the first Saturday In-Service of the 2022-23 school year.
Throughout a relaxing morning, guests enjoy live music, outdoor activities, board games, pottery workshops, retro games, art and photography workshops, and Geek Hour. The main attraction was the School-sponsored picnic-style breakfast, with guests bringing snacks to share with others.
For Gabriela Oliveira, School staff member and mother, the new event had a positive impact by creating memories and refinforcing the principles the School teaches every day.
"It was the first event I attended at School as a parent. I felt what other families felt, and what a great feeling it was! It's so rewarding to see the School's efforts in bringing us together to build a stronger community, the affection, the look on our children’s happy faces, interacting with everyone through activities, and meeting and getting to know the families of our children’s classmates."
Check out the photos here. Enjoy!