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Middle and High School offer 2023 Academic Awards Ceremony

Coordinators and teachers distribute medals and certificates to students who participated in academic competitions this school year

The Middle and High School pedagogical teams and students participated in the Academic AwardsCeremony. The ceremony reinforces the importance of participating in academic competitions and honors our students for their performance.

The School handed out medals, honorable mentions certificates, and participation certificates in this edition of the event to the students who took part in the following events - Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad, Brazilian Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad, Bebras Brasil Computational Thinking, Full Sail Tech Fest, BSBMUN, Nations Student Expo -.

Besides the awards, we had the presence of the School's Executive Director, Mr. Danyel Dalmaschio, and the Academic Director, Mr. David Figueroa. In their speeches, our directors commented on how participation in different Olympics is essential to achieve a positive and differentiated academic performance. Mr Danyel spoke about perseverance and excellence from the Bahà'i Faith point of view.

Furthermore, the calendar of academic events for the first semester of 2023 was released. Competitions such as the Brazilian National History Olympiad and the new edition of the Kangaroo Mathematics Olympiad will be on the horizon for Nations students. Our goal is to encourage the participation of our students in olympic academic events in various fields.

Here is the speech given at the ceremony by the Executive Director of the School of the Nations, Mr. Danyel Dalmaschio

Dear Middle and High School students,

Good afternoon! I am honored to have the opportunity to speak with you today about academic achievements and the Bahá’í perspective on excellence and perseverance.

The Bahá'í faith values the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of life, including

education, personal and spiritual growth, work, and service to humanity. It is believed

that every individual has the capacity to reach their full potential and make a positive

impact in the world. Excellence is viewed as a reflection of the divine nature within all

people, and a means to draw closer to God.

Today, we celebrate your hard work and dedication, which are the tangible expressions of your pursuit of excellence. Remember, it is through striving for excellence that we push the world forward. Progress is not achieved through waiting and resting, but by persevering through challenges and difficulties in the pursuit of our goals.

Perseverance is also highly valued in the Bahá'í faith as a key component in personal

and spiritual growth. It is believed that one should persist in their efforts to improve

themselves and serve others, even in the face of obstacles. Perseverance is seen as a

demonstration of faith in God and trust in His plan.

Excellence is often mistaken for being a natural talent, but it is perseverance that allows anyone to achieve it. James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits," emphasizes the

importance of perseverance in the development of good habits and achieving one's

goals. He argues that success is the result of consistent, small steps taken over time,

rather than big leaps or sudden breakthroughs. Focus on the process, find joy in the

journey, and create an environment that supports your goals so that perseverance may become a part of your identity.

In 1962, over sixty years ago, President John F. Kennedy inspired the world with his

speech announcing the goal of sending a man to the moon within a decade. He said,

"We choose to go to the Moon not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Because

that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, and

because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to


Now, I ask you Nations students:

What is your hard goal? What challenges are you willing to accept and unwilling to postpone?

Your future holds great things, and with perseverance and a pursuit of excellence, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Congratulations to all for your incredible performance!

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