Students learn the states of matter through experimentation
What happens to a candle once you light it?
What happens to a bottle of soda if you leave it open for too long?
Scientists are curious about the world, how things work, and why they work. They are interested in inventing things and making things already created even better! While scientists are experimenting and discovering, they must carefully observe their surroundings and explore new ideas through experimentation!
In their Science studies of states of matter, Grade 2 students conducted their own experiments to explore the three changing states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas. Their goal was to focus on the properties and how they change if something is heated or cooled. Students also used their creativity to perform their experiments and teach their classmates on video.
Oskar Radonjic, Grade 2B, used the wax of a candle to show his classmates how wax becomes liquid when heated and how it turns back to a solid when cooled. With the help of his parents as he conducted his experiment, Oskar also observed the state of gas in the form of smoke when he blew the candle out.
For Grade 2 teacher, Ms. Lexi Guthrie, experimenting and hands-on learning are the best ways to discover and learn new skills.
“When performing an experiment, students can also practice trial and error and learn from their mistakes. It is a wonderful way for students to share their videos and feel connected to one another by watching the videos and giving feedback. Some students even had a younger brother or sister help them as their assistant! It was great to see families working together on this project” - Lexi Guthrie, Grade 2 Teacher.
Distance Learning at Nations
Ms. Lexi Guthrie believes distance learning has been an enriching learning experience for the school community. Besides challenging her as a teacher to think outside the box when implementing activities, she sees that distance learning is helping students gain more independence.
“When we started a few weeks ago, some students did not know how to find an activity or where to go. Now, students can navigate Google Classroom, complete and turn in their assignments, and give feedback to one another. Just like any new project, we are learning together. I am so grateful to families and the support they are providing at home” - Lexi Guthrie, Grade 2 teacher.
William Dixon, Grade 2B