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Sports Highlights

School of the Nations’ Cougars have had an incredible year so far, and they have many more games to play.

Our student-athletes performed outstandingly well both individually and on teams in physical education as well as in tournaments and events outside school.

In Nations’ Basketball Cup, we received the award for Best Player. At the International School Sports League (ISSL) Season 1, we won four awards for the Most Valuable Player in both Boys and Girls Basketball and Soccer.

In Nations’ Soccer Cup, we received the award for Best Player in five categories. We won five awards for the Top Scorer and three more for the Best Goalkeeper. More than six-hundred student-athletes played soccer at our school, resulting in more than seventy games and two-hundred-and-seventy-one goals.

So far this school year, we have taken first place in 9 games, second place in 7, and third place in 12.

Here is a list of our upcoming events you won’t want to miss!

- ISSL - Season II (10 to 12): April 26-30

- Friendship Festival: May 16-21

Nations Soccer Cup 2019

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