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Water at School of the Nations

In view of the recent media reports about the virus that affected the School community last week, we would like to communicate measures taken by the Administration in relation to the quality, handling and use of water at our campuses.

Below, we share in detail the preventive measures taken by the School.

Monday, November 7

The School Administration became aware of a possible infection within in the School community. The supply of water from water trucks was immediately suspended and several samples of water were collected and sent to Quinosan laboratory for microbiological analysis. The results of this analysis were received today at 5:00 p.m. (November 18), and the report of the specialist can be accessed at this link. All cleaning procedures were reinforced, including in bathrooms, areas most sensitive in regards to contamination.

Tuesday, November 8

The School Administration contracted a new company to supply water. The company agreed to use one of its trucks exclusively to supply water from CAESB to the School. A technician from CAESB came to the School to explain the limited water supply at our campus, which resulted from a reduction in water pressure due to requests from the community living in QI 21.

Wednesday, November 9

All drinking fountains were removed and the School purchased new ones that use mineral water. The cafeteria started to use mineral water to prepare food. With the help of a father from the School community, the School contracted an infectious disease specialist, Dr. Marcone Pinhate, for consultation. The School contacted the Administration of Lago Sul to help with other agencies to solve the issue regarding low water supply.

Thursday, November 10

The number of students and staff who presented symptoms decreased significantly. The company Shopping House was contracted to sterilize the School’s water tanks over the weekend. The administrator of Lago Sul, Mr. Alessandro Paiva, worked with the Presidency of CAESB to solve the problem of low water supply.

Friday, November 11

Dr. Marcone Pinhati and his team came to the School to assess our kitchen and talk with students and staff. After careful evaluation, Dr. Marcone diagnosed a possible contamination of the Norovirus.

Saturday, November 12

The reservoir and the water tanks were sanitized and refilled by water trucks with water from CAESB. Since Monday, November 14, no new cases of infection have occurred.

Friday, November 18

Today, our water tanks were full with water from CAESB. Throughout the day, there was no need to buy additional water. Equipment to continuously monitor the School water supply was installed by CAESB.

Throughout this period the School has communicated with parents to clarify questions and to inform of measures being taken.

It is important for all members of the School community to accompany the official statements of the School for correct and accurate information. We count on your support in keeping a clear and open communication channel.

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